Volunteer Information
Mandatory Background Check for All Volunteers
Please be sure your school volunteer background check is current for this school year before signing up to help. You must complete a new background trip each school year. Contact the school office for more information.
Wear your volunteer I.D. badge any time you help out at school, on field trips, or at a P.I.E.C.E. event.
Basket Raffle
Jessica Mann
Suzy Keim
What we do: Coordinate annual basket raffle; solicit donations, sell
raffle tickets, assemble and photograph baskets.
CAC Representative
Bryce Hansen
Erin Dobson
What we do: CAC is a Unit 5 committee examining topics of
interest through the district; Prairieland has two representatives;
Meets 5 times during the school year.
Elizabeth McMorris
What we do: Coordinate games, food, and activities for the annual
spring carnival; hire and work with vendors; organize admission and
prepare tickets
Homecoming Parade Coordinator
Lisa Mueller
What we do: Coordinate 5th grade classes parade entry for
NCWHS Homecoming parade
Library Liaison
Natalie Perrone
What we do: Assist IMC with volunteer coordination.
Julie Schumacher
Jessica McConnaughey
Marisa Kuethe
What we do: Coordinate the fun run obstacle course, arrange the
volunteers, work with staff on schedule, report to VP of fundraising
Pastry Sales
Mary Franks
Coordinate the pastry sales, arrange for pickup, report
to VP of fundraising
Room Parent Coordinator
Suzy Keim
What we do: Organize room parent volunteers for holiday parties and other activities to support classroom teachers
School Kits
Neeraj Rawat
What we do: Gather grade supply lists from teachers; collect orders; distribute school kits
Spirit Wear
Sarah Stoller
What we do: Collect/place/distribute orders
Staff Appreciation
Ashley Jarrett
Allison Vaughn
Leah Crews
What we do: Coordinate activities for various appreciation and recognition events for faculty
Telephone Directory
Allison Vaughn
Laura Roethle
What we do: Coordinate the phone directory
Trunk or Treat
Leah Crews
What we do: Coordinate the trunk or treat event; have volunteers
prepare a “trunk” for each class
Bonnie Jolley
What we do: Help new families become familiar with P.I.E.C.E. activities and volunteer opportunities
Welcome Back Event
Mary Franks
What we do: Coordinate school-wide event near the start of school
to welcome back all the families
Bree Nord
What we do: Coordinate the sale of the Prairieland yearbook; take photos at events
Special Committees
Hearing Committee:
Auditing Committee:
Scholarship Committee: Scott Peters

P.I.E.C.E. Guidelines for Submitting & Requesting Funds
When submitting funds, please make all checks payable to P.I.E.C.E. Include the submission form with the check, and enclose in a sealed envelope. Be sure to also include any other necessary documentation, such as registration forms or order forms.
When requesting a reimbursement, attach receipts to a completed reimbursement form.
Reimbursements and funds may be submitted at monthly P.I.E.C.E. meetings, or by making an arrangement with the P.I.E.C.E. treasurer. If you submit money using the P.I.E.C.E. mailbox at school, please send us an email (prairielandelementaryPIECE @ gmail . com) so we can be sure to check the mailbox.